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The Joint Performance Purpose

Joints should last 100 years, but only if you put them first. 

The number one reason careers end and performance declines is joint failure and still, athletes and their teams prioritize other areas first. We wake up every day to research and create programs for each of our athletes to get the most out of their careers; Joints First™.  

Even the best athletes in history have had their joints fail earlier than they wanted,  affecting their performance and longevity. Using our Biopsychosocial Joint Program™ athletes can extend and improve the quality and quantity of their career.  


Starting with the joints improves the rate of force and longevity while reducing injury and expediting recovery.  How fast joints wear down depends on how you and your team prioritize them. We put Joints First™ so our clients perform better and longer in their careers and after. 

Joint Performance Inc.™ uses its Proactive Biopsychosocial Joint Program to work with an athlete and their existing team to increase maximum athletic performance and longevity for high-performance athletes.

Consider an athlete with physical or psychological joint insecurity; it renders all other training irrelevant, so we see Joint Performance as the cornerstone for athletic performance, ensuring maximum performance, longevity and expediting recovery when necessary.


AJ Agarwal innovated Joint Performance and its programs to share his 21 years of experience working with high-performance athletes.


Our Proactive Biopsychosocial Joint Program improves athletes by:  

  1. Optimizing their performance at the biological (i.e., enhancing Rate of Force Development, RFD) and psychological level.   RFD measures how quickly an athlete can generate force with their tendons.  Higher RFD means you accelerate and change direction faster and jump higher. 

  2. Optimizing Longevity.  Longevity refers to increasing an athlete’s ability to sustain their physical, mental and emotional well-being over an extended period while performing at a high level.  It also includes improving the quality of life after a sports career.

  3. Increase the speed of recovery physically and mentally after an injury.  The longer an athlete is out of commission due to an injury, the more skills and fitness can degrade.  Think of a person who falls off a bike.  The longer they take to get back on the bike, the harder it will be to get back on the bike. 


Joint Performance employs four pillars for maximum athletic performance: 

  1. Pain Management.

  2. Tissue Remodelling,

  3. Cognitive Restructuring

  4. Team Coordination

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